Women's #50

"My Soul Rejoices in the Lord"

Spring, 2009

Rectora: Gina Morris

Team Members: 13

Candidates: 24

Venue: Cliffview Retreat Center, Danville


Kateri Tekakwitha
Name Role Parish
Kabby Akers Team Mary Queen
Christine Fox Candidate Sts. Peter & Paul
Christine Gibson Candidate St. Paul
Pat Wager Candidate Mary Queen
Angela Wentz Candidate St. Andrew
Padre Pio
Name Role Parish
Diana Joice Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Kaye Luckett Candidate St. Leo
Arlene Mattingly Candidate St. Mark
Amy Morrow Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Sr. Mary Joenita Schlueter Team Jesus Our Savior
St. Anthony
Name Role Parish
JoAnne Collins Candidate Good Shepherd
Linda Hillman Candidate St. Michael
Heather Preston Candidate St. Michael
Myra Raiche Team St. William
Stacy Travis Candidate Good Shepherd
St. Anthony & Jude
Name Role Parish
Georgette Andrade Candidate Christ The King
Mary Rose Bauer Team St. Mark
Kerri Baunach Candidate Christ The King
Brooks Meador Candidate Christ The King
Grace Wiemann Candidate Christ The King
St. Dymphna
Name Role Parish
Sherry Bacon Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Ellie Durbin Team St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Anne Garlick Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Tamara Shumate Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Linda Voskuhl Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. John Bosco
Name Role Parish
Donna Farquhar Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Judy Koppe Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Laura Napora Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Mary Oliva Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Susan Whalen Team St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Cecelia
Name Role Parish
Ruthanne Boyles Team Good Shepherd
Fr. Chris Clay Spiritual Advisor Christ The King
Ann Hoenscheid Backup Holy Spirit
Gina Morris Rectora Christ The King
Bobbie Newman Assistant Christ The King
Yvonne Raikas Team Mary Queen
Fr. Ray Stratman Spiritual Advisor St. Paul