Men's #26

September 24-27, 1992

Rector: Unknown

Team Members: 18

Candidates: 21

Venue: Cliffview Retreat Center, Danville


St. Francis
Name Role Parish
Blake Burchett Team St. Martha
Mark Davis Candidate EKU Newman Center
Tony English Candidate Mary Queen
John Hayes Team UK Newman Center
Charles Martin Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
Steve Stewart Candidate Sts. Francis & John
St. Joseph
Name Role Parish
Dick Brantigan Candidate St. Joseph
Joe Grieshop Team Holy Trinity
Jim Horine Team Mary Queen
Elmer McDaniel Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
Rick Rutledge Candidate St. Martha
Steve Vogelsang Candidate St. Michael
St. Jude
Name Role Parish
Bob Beam Candidate St. Joseph
Paul David Brown Candidate St. Michael
Stuart Duba Team St. Leo
David Holzwarth Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Dave Ott Team Our Lady of Mt. Vernon
Robert Welch Candidate St. Matthew
St. Louis
Name Role Parish
Marty Brown Candidate Mary Queen
Sam Dick Team St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Bill Edwards Candidate St. Joseph
Walter Galyen Candidate Our Lady of Mt. Vernon
DJ McKenney Team Mother of Good Counsel
Andrew Silvestri Candidate St. Mildred
Chad Terry Candidate Sts. Francis & John
St. Mary
Name Role Parish
Tom Burchett Team St. Joseph
Richard Folly Candidate St. Michael
Martin Henry Candidate St. Paul
John Minto Team Mary Queen
Fred Roser Candidate Sts. Francis & John
Jeff Schommer Candidate St. Martha
St. Maximillian Kolbe
Name Role Parish
Joe Angel Team Mother of Good Counsel
Tom Clements Team Mary Queen
Louis Fister Team St. Paul
Fr. Ed Lammert Spiritual Advisor St. Stephen
Johnny Lewis Team St. Michael
Fr. Joe Muench Spiritual Advisor St. Martha
Jim Paris Team Sts. Francis & John
Jim Sizemore Team St. Ann