Men's #13

April 17-20, 1986

Rector: Unknown

Team Members: 13

Candidates: 19

Venue: Cliffview Retreat Center, Danville


John the Baptist
Name Role Parish
Harold Bruggeman Team Mary Queen
Mark Duffee Candidate St. Mark
Mike First Team Christ The King
Tom Isakson Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
Ralph Murphy Team St. Paul
St. Augustine
Name Role Parish
Joe Daugherty Team Mary Queen
Sam Flowers Team Christ The King
Paul Kissel Team Mary Queen
Fr. Joe Muench Spiritual Advisor Good Shepherd
Fr. Rock Travnikar Spiritual Advisor Mother of Good Counsel
Martin Trujillo Jr. Candidate Mary Queen
Tony Tucker Team St. Mark
St. Francis
Name Role Parish
Max Appel Candidate Good Shepherd
Roger Early Candidate Christ The King
Tim Erickson Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
Bob Obergfell Candidate St. Mark
Charlie Ryan Team Christ The King
St. Joseph
Name Role Parish
Bob Beyer Candidate Christ The King
Joe Golinski Candidate Mary Queen
Jim Jansen Candidate St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
DJ McKenney Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
Price Ransdell Team Mary Queen
St. Paul
Name Role Parish
Jim Gilvin Candidate Christ The King
David Haggan Candidate UK Newman Center
Don Madden Candidate Mary Queen
Ed Monahan Team Mary Queen
Tim Neinmann Candidate Christ The King
St. Peter
Name Role Parish
Joseph Angel Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
Hugh Findlay Candidate St. Peter
Don Kozak Team Christ The King
Jerome O'Daniel Candidate Mary Queen
Jim Piawlock Candidate St. Mark