Men's #11

March 14-17, 1985

Rector: Tom Clements

Team Members: 14

Candidates: 22

Venue: Cliffview Retreat Center, Danville


Ignayius of Layola
Name Role Parish
Dave Albert Team Christ The King
Mike Burns Candidate Christ The King
John Litkenhaus Candidate St. Lawrence
Fr. Bernard Mulhern Candidate Christ The King
Relmond Van Daniker Candidate Mary Queen
St. John
Name Role Parish
Fr. Ray Chappa Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
John Clevinger Candidate Christ The King
Jim Mathews Candidate Holy Spirit
John Mitchell Team Mary Queen
Mike Mudd Candidate Mary Queen
Tim Weinmann Candidate Christ The King
St. Patrick
Name Role Parish
Paul Kissel Team Mary Queen
Walt Leve Candidate Christ The King
George Miles Candidate Christ The King
Steve Ritter Candidate St. Luke
Rick Wells Candidate Holy Spirit
St. Paul
Name Role Parish
Charles Duck Team Mary Queen
Mike First Candidate Christ The King
Bob Geiger Candidate St. Mark
Kenneth Goins Candidate Good Shepherd
Martin Trujillo Candidate Mary Queen
Paul Zink Candidate Mary Queen
St. Peter
Name Role Parish
David Baumgartner Candidate Mary Queen
Joe Duncan Candidate Mother of Good Counsel
Don Kozak Candidate Christ The King
Ralph Murphy Candidate St. Paul
David Ott Team Our Lady of the Mountain
Jack Pramuk Team Christ The King
St. Stephen
Name Role Parish
Bill Britsch Team Mary Queen
Tom Clements Rector Mary Queen
Terry Druggan Team Holy Spirit
Dcn. Don Moll Spiritual Advisor Mary Queen
Ed Monahan Assistant Mary Queen
Fr. Paul Prabell Spiritual Advisor EKU Newman Center
Jim Rowe Assistant St. Peter
Fr. Pat Stewart Spiritual Advisor Mary Queen