Candidate Application for Cursillo

NOTE: This form is not yet live.  Do not use!

This online form is for those interested in attending a Cursillo weekend. If you have any questions, please contact Grace Wiemann at 859-351-5995 or If you prefer, you may download an offline application here and mail it in.

To reserve your room, we need to receive a $50 deposit. You may either pay online or by mailing a check. Instructions can be found below. The $50 deposit is applied to the total cost of your room. The cost of the weekend is $170 for double occupancy and $300 for single occupancy.

We realize that for some the total cost of the weekend might be prohibitive. Therefore, limited scholarships are available as our budget allows. Contact Grace Wiemann at 859-351-5995 or for information regarding available scholarships.

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Numbers only
Can be approximate
Are you married?
If married, is your spouse Catholic?
If married, has your spouse attended a Cursillo weekend?
On Fridays, do you abstain from meat?
Weekend Selection:
Room Selection: